Recently, I have become very lazy. Despite getting a lot of hits in the last few months, my blog has become hopelessly bare! With the help of Kelly and Lee of I've realized how lacklustre my blogging really is! Starting today, I pledge to write at least 3 new blog posts every week, if I don't, we'll you can write a nasty comment on my blog, I'll just delete it, but my feeling will be hurt just the same!
A funny photo of George W. Bush eating a defenceless little kitten. |
Thank you for reading this delightfully pointless post, to reward you, above is a photograph accurately depicting George W. Bush eating a kitten! My next post will be about crossing the road!
P.S. I will be changing my blog layout to go together with my new blogging attitude and this will be my new background, even though I love my old one, blogger wont let me keep it!!
The Fjords of Norway, I think, my new website background, I hope! |
That is a great photo, I want to go to norway now!
Do it or we'll write a lot of nasty comments :)
unfortunately, since writing this, the reality of being in china has reminded me that my vpn needs to be working in order for me to post. Pisses me off sometimes!
Hey Sammy,
I really enjoy your blog im a long time reader, first time poster... I was wondering if you had any information about this travel book written by a former airline reservation agent about getting cheaper flights? I want to buy it but not really being in the loop I don't know how to tell if it would be helpful to the average person or not, maybe you can comment on it.. Heres the site ,
Happy travels!
Hi Ray,
Glad you enjoy my site, I've just had a look at this book, to me, it looks a bit too good to be true, like one of those "earn $10,000 a month from home watching TV" sites. I imagine that there are some good tips for moneysaving out there for free in the travel blogosphere. It's teeming with good ideas so just keep looking.
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