Move over South Sudan, we have a new, new kid on the block! The worlds new, newest country is The Principality of Filettino! With a population of just 542, the townsfolk of Filettino were evidently pretty pissed off when the Italian government tried to merge them with a neighboring municipality to cut costs. The Principality joins an entire array of unrecognized states including Somaliland, Abkahzia, Transnistria and South Ossetia.
Filettino in Italy. The world most widely ignored independent" country. |
Only time will tell whether this is just a gimmick, a way of scoring political points against Great Grandfather Berlusconi; or whether Filettoni will become a household name like San Marino, and like its city state comrade, a force to be reckoned with on the world stage!
On the other hand, we may have a massacre on our hands......
Lets Hope Not!
The New Country Even has a new Website, well, to be fair, even I have a website so its not that amazing, hell even North Korea has a few websites!
amazing man this city is just fabulous really so nice and great
i love these types of cities fabulous really thank full to you for sharing these pics with us
I wonder if its still a country?
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