For twelve years, James Philip Jardim Spencer Mumford (Yes, those are all his names) served the community of Teddington, in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. He was a rising star in the Liberal Democratic Party, standing shoulder to shoulder with local Lib Dem idols such as Cllr Liz Jaeger, Susan Kramer MP and everyone’s favourite Business Secretary, Vincent Cable.
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Former Teddington Councilor, Turned Squatter, James Mumford |
Oh yes, when first elected in 1998, life was going pretty well for former Kew Gardens, Botanical Buff, James Mumford. Campaigning for more affordable homes on Greenfield sites such as Chase Village Green in Whitton (despite claiming to be an environmentalist) or making sure that Richmond Borough was a haven for religious zealots (Mumford being a huge fan of Anjem Choudary and Islamic Fundamentalism). James Mumford fought against the bureaucratic machine to get his own way, even if that meant trying to get Council Workers Sacked for doing their job. Mumford was a man who enjoyed having power, using his position to learn how to play a fundamentally broken, British Welfare system.
Friend of James Mumford, Anjem (Andy to his Friends) Choudary. I wonder what Anjem would make of Mumford's Homosexuality? |
Despite being classically educated at public school (In the UK, public school means private school, weird eh?) and speaking fluent Latin, Mumford, 44, was never able to make anything of his life. Despite being elected to the prestigious, Richmond Upon Thames council, Mumford was a shadowy man, with skeletons in the cupboard.
Mumford, a self confessed drug addict, started to accumulate massive debt while studying classics at Cardiff University. Abusing the limits of his various credit cards, Mumford would buy thousands upon thousands of CD's, creating, what he called, “the greatest music collection north of hell”. After Leaving University, Mumford spent his time, scrounging on Benefits with his boyfriend Timothy (Tim to his friends) Dark and driving to secret raves where he fell in love with ecstasy and heroin.
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James Mumford with some of his Victims |
Continuing to run up huge debts before moving on to a new town, Mumford and Dark soon found themselves in sleepy Teddington. Mumford sensing an opportunity for easy money, joined his local Liberal Democrats, and before you could say
he was elected to Richmond Upon Thames Council.
As Usual, Cllr James Mumford is in a Spot of Trouble with the Police |
However, despite his new found employment and air of respectability, Mumford continued to cheat the welfare state; claiming thousands of pounds in housing benefit while serving the very body he was conning. He ran up huge arrears at his Teddington address (Pocketing the Benefit) before being kicked out by Court Bailiffs.
If you're still reading this, good on you, its only one corrupt local councillor but James Mumford represents an endemic problem with today's politicians. They are lying, manipulative, out of touch, self serving and abhorrent members of our society. The honourable statesman is a rare creature that may appear but once in a generation, but crooks on Mumfords level I fear are all too common.
The River Thames at Teddington Loch. The Good people of Teddington need to be careful never to elect a conman like James Mumford again. |
Yet there is more depravity up the sleeve of Cllr James Philip Jardim Spencer Mumford. After leaving Teddington, Mumford approached an unsuspecting family in Twickenham, who were leaving the country for a few years and were looking for a single tenant for their house; a respectable person who could look after their many pets in their absence. Lying Mumford (A man who hated animals) put himself forward as the perfect tenant, bagging a place to live with nominal rent.
But as soon as he arrived, he began subletting the property to long term lover, Timothy Dark, and an as of yet, unnamed woman. Mumford, whose claim to fame is reportedly having turned down a Threesome offer from former London Mayor, Ken Livingstone (We don't believe that for a second. Ken Livingstone was a fantastic Mayor, although Boris is good for a laugh), then sank even lower. Faking Illness, he then set about squatting in the Twickenham residence for over a year, allowing bills to go unpaid, dogs to go unfed and making enemies of all his neighbours. It wasn't until October of this year, that the home-owners, back from Brazil got their house back after four months of homelessness.
And that's another story!
All the facts in this article are true, however I do not pretend to be unbiased, this serial conman was my local councilor for 12 years and I know the family he stole thousands of pounds from personally. My Sources are reliable. However, my sources tell me that Mumford is not to be trusted, therefore, as many of the facts come straight from the horses mouth, you may want to disregard them. I Sammy Corfield am not responsible for anything you may believe due to this article. I say this as I don’t want to be sued. Also, I like gay people, not romantically, in the sense that if 2 gay people get married, I call it marriage, none of that Civil Union bollocks. Also, although I may have voted for Winston McKenzie in the last London Mayorals, I have the utmost respect for Ken, he built skyscrapers!
Incredible!!!! I knew this man a few years ago when he was working for the local Lib dems, he was so helpful. what changed him into such a dispicable character?
nice great post so nice to read ur post
good post....
nice one...thanks 4 sharing
good post....
great post...thnks
what a amazing post i am amazed with that
I studied Classics with James @ Cardiff. I would like, to correct a couple of points - he did not have "thousands upon thousands" of CDs while at university ; he had a lot certainly, but not that many. Secondly, I don't believe that he had massive debt at university, nor did I ever see him take drugs. Thirdly, after leaving university he had a job, I believe in a music shop. As to what happened to him thereafter, I have no knowledge as I lost contact with him. Fourthly, I have no idea where you get the idea he hated animals from !
I would also say that whatever James' sexuality is, it is entirely his business and not yours, mine, or anyone elses. Mentioning it is an irrelevancy which detracts from the credibility of your blog.
I tried to trace Jay a year or so ago as we lost contact after his time in Teddington, that's how searching for his name bought this blog up, I was shocked by this too, but I had heard that he had been in prison and was now living in a homeless hostel , asking around at that time there were also stories of his suicide, I'm not sure if there is any truth in the stories, but he has vanished off the radar.
All I can say is that people change. I will not give my name but I am a member of the local Lib Dems as was he.
I visited him occasionally at his home and could not help but notice how he was going down hill. He certainly had many CDs. They were stored up in the bookshelves by the thousand. He became a hoarder, hoarding anything and everything one can imagine including food. He had lots of frozen food that he prepared which he would offer when I visited. I was reluctant to accept what he had to offer as the conditions in which he lived were less than hygienic. After my last visit I came away with many flee bites.
I am not sure why he went down hill. There were rumours in the council offices that he was always this way but had been good at hiding his problems and I suspect this to be true. This is because he abandoned many years worth of personal and private documents which were sent to him as a councillor. While I did not see these documents personally I understand they were of such a confidential nature that the council was at a risk of being fined for breaking the Data Protection act though I do not know if they were fined or not.
Dear David Milne,
If you studied classics with James Phillip Jardim Spencer Mumford at Cardiff then all that tells me is that you haven't known him for a good twenty years and your facts are just a little out of date. It is a fact that James Mumford for at least 10 years has been claiming housing benefit, even when serving on Richmond Upon Thames council. He is therefore guilty of benefit fraud. At the same time he is also guilty of multiple counts of subletting, using the money to pay for his thousands of CD's and drugs. He admitted to me that he was a drug addict on multiple occasions and even tried to buy drugs from a friend of mine, which, took my friend completely by surprise (Im not sure if my friend would even know where to get drugs from). He once told me that the greatest moment of his life was his first experience taking Heroin (one of many) and ridding himself of it was the hardest thing he ever did. Although Mumford has had jobs, he's never given up on the idea that the world owes him a living, I have sypmathy for honest hardworking people who struggle to make a living, not parasites like James Mumford, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, was privately educated and was given a cushy political job by friends in the lib dems, but decided he'd rather play video games and party. That's fine if you can pay for that lifestyle but he forced family after family to pay for it for him, not content with ruining lives, he also owes hundreds of thousands of pounds in debt, which will probably never be recovered, but he has also lost thousands of private and confidential documents from Richmond council. This man is a danger to society and If I can use my blog to warn people about him then It's my responsibility to make sure people get fair warning before they step anywhere near James Mumford!
You can say what you like, but one thing is true - he did have the best music collection north of hell. I spent many happy and intoxicated hours listening to it. Every CD was a gem. I hope it is in good hands, and James - whatever you did or didn't do - I hope you're well.
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